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Multiple personalities or well rounded…I’m not sure how to describe myself but as a young girl I loved football and babies. The helmet wasn’t my brother’s. I asked for it for Christmas along with a baby doll that I could bathe. I still love football and babies. I’ve thrown many of my real babies in air when OU scored a touchdown! It’s becoming a bit of a challenge these days. Yes, that is me with a bass drum. I’ve always had a fascination with percussion. Being heard and not just seen on the field and at football games was appealing too. So I tried out for the drumline my senior year and made bass drum. I had a blast! It was me and 3 freshman boys on bass drum so they actually thought I knew what I was doing.

I remember the hours and hours I spent practicing. When it was time to perform, I never thought, “Man, I wish I wouldn’t have practiced so much.” Most of the time I was wishing for one more run through. Now that a new school year has begun, we see bands out rehearsing and football players practicing several hours a week to improve their skill.

Most people seem to understand that it takes time and hard work in order to be good at something. Why don’t we think the same about Christianity? Some people just give Christianity a try for a short time and walk away because “it doesn’t work”. Why do we expect something as life changing as Christianity to take little time and effort?

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